In The Press

The Pipeline in the Press

Welcome to our Press Coverage page, where we celebrate the spotlight moments and thought leadership contributions of The Pipeline. Here, you'll find a curated selection of articles from esteemed national publications that have featured The Pipeline or tapped into its expertise as a thought leader in the industry.

Gender pay gap
Gender pay gap June 4, 2024

Professor Geeta Nargund, Chair of The Pipeline writes a letter to the editor, in response to Tom Howard's article on "Gender pay gap will close in 45 years”.

Government rejects ban of NDAs in sexual harassment cases
Government rejects ban of NDAs in sexual harassment cases May 15, 2024

Professor Geeta Nargund, Chair of The Pipeline, told Personnel Today “For too long, businesses in the financial services sector have overlooked the unfair and deplorable challenges women continue to experience throughout their careers.”

Treasury rejects call for NDA ban in harassment cases after Sexism in the City inquiry
Treasury rejects call for NDA ban in harassment cases after Sexism in the City inquiry May 14, 2024

Professor Geeta Nargund, Chair of The Pipeline, said the Treasury's decision was "disappointing", as women have faced and continue to face "unfair and deplorable challenges".

Diversity dividends
Diversity dividends May 8, 2024

Professor Geeta Nargund, Chair of The Pipeline writes a letter to the editor, in response to Lucy Barton's article on "Why bosses are ‘getting nervous’ about the corporate diversity drive”.

How accountancy firms can promote more women to the board
How accountancy firms can promote more women to the board April 26, 2024

When two women were shortlisted for the top job at PwC, there were hopes the glass ceiling could be broken, but this wasn’t to be. Professor Geeta Nargund, Chair of The Pipeline, looks at how to support women partners to reach the top roles.

Death of the chairman: City switching to more inclusive ‘chairs’
Death of the chairman: City switching to more inclusive ‘chairs’ April 15, 2024

Professor Geeta Nargund, who chairs The Pipeline, a business that champions female executives, said: “Parity and equality in the boardroom are essential for business growth and success."

The Pipeline's Geeta Nargund: How finance can answer Sexism in the City
The Pipeline's Geeta Nargund: How finance can answer Sexism in the City report April 11, 2024

The Pipeline's Professor Geeta Nargund writes 'The Treasury Select Committee’s recent Sexism in the City report laid bare the unacceptable challenges and toxic culture many women face in the financial services sector.'

Business is still a ‘boys’ club’: it’s holding your firm back
Business is still a ‘boys’ club’: it’s holding your firm back April 4, 2024

Professor Geeta Nargund from The Pipeline argues that sexism is still rife in the City.

How banks can address the barriers women face in the workplace
How banks can address the barriers women face in the workplace March 15, 2024

Developing a strong pipeline of female executive talent will be foundational to the growth of the finance sector writes Professor Geeta Nargund, Chair of The Pipeline.

The 'woman tax' and other hurdles to CEO promotion
The 'woman tax' and other hurdles to CEO promotion March 11, 2024

Professor Geeta Nargund, Chair of The Pipeline writes a letter to the editor, in response to Pilita Clark's article on 'Why are women still being cast off the glass cliff?'

Sexism in the City 'still rife' as MPs report that reform is moving at 'snail's
Sexism in the City 'still rife' as MPs report that reform is moving at 'snail's pace' March 8, 2024

Professor Geeta Nargund, Chair of The Pipeline told the Evening Standard “In 2024, it is unacceptable – but unfortunately, not surprising – that sexism is still rife in the City."

Ban NDAs used to ‘cover up’ sexual harassment in the City, MPs urge
Ban NDAs used to ‘cover up’ sexual harassment in the City, MPs urge March 8, 2024

Professor Geeta Nargund, Chair of The Pipeline, told City AM “Appointing and promoting women is a crucial part of the equation, although it will not work unless firms root out toxic practices and create cultures which are supportive for all employees.”

Sexism in the City 'still rife' as MPs report that reform is moving at 'snail's
Sexism in the City 'still rife' as MPs report that reform is moving at 'snail's pace' March 8, 2024

Professor Geeta Nargund, Chair of The Pipeline told Yahoo! Finance “The sad reality is that women still face unfair and unnecessary additional barriers in their pathway to the top."

More women at the top means more profits for businesses — and a stronger economy for everyone
More women at the top means more profits for businesses — and a stronger economy for everyone August 6, 2020

The evidence is clear: companies with more than 33 per cent female executives have a net profit margin more than 10 times greater than those companies with no women at this level.

FTSE 350 companies with female execs increase profits
FTSE 350 companies with female execs increase profits July 31, 2020

Increasing the number of women on the leadership teams of FTSE 350 companies could add £47bn to their profits, according to research by gender diversity specialist The Pipeline.

Is gender diversity good for business? Another study makes the case
Is gender diversity good for business? Another study makes the case July 29, 2020

A new study out of the U.K. tells us what we’ve long known; that there’s a business case for gender diversity. Research by gender diversity consultancy, The Pipeline, puts a fine point on the matter.